Reverse a file's contents
=> argv * {
file: argv<</>>;
data <~ file;
-data ~> file;
Counting duplicates
arr: <-io.inputcast("Enter an array of values: ");
"Found $0 duplicate(s) in the array" --- [arr$ - (-arr)$]!;
Checking Pythagorean triplets
a, b, c: <-iter.sorted(<-io.inputcast("Enter three integers: "));
"These numbers do $0form a Pythagorean triplet"
--- ["not " ++ (~~(a+++ + b+++ :: c+++))]!;
Generating a password
CHARSET: <-string.LETTERS + <-string.DIGITS;
... c ->? [CHARSET?? ... _ ->? <<../?!("Password length: "???)>>] { c ~> /; }!;
Factorial function
factorial n * {
!! n>:, "n cannot be negative";
? ~~ n { * /; }
* n ++ factorial(n-);
n: /?!("n: "???);
"n! =", factorial(n)!;
memoize func * {
cache: {{}};
wrapper args... * {
args: Frozen(args);
? args ->? cache { * cache<<args>>; }
result: func(**args);
cache<<args>>: result;
* result;
* wrapper;
memoize @ fib n * {
? n < /\ { * n; }
* fib(n-) + fib(n - /\);
Filtering and enumerating a file
== Reads URLs from a file, enumerates them and prints them out.
== If a URL is 32 characters or longer, it will be printed in red.
<=string.[to_upper, strip];
urls <~~ "urls.txt";
... lineno, line ->? <</..>> >< urls {
line: strip(line);
? line$ > ///// {
line: "\033[31m$0\033[0m" --- line;
"$0. $1" --- [lineno, line]!;
Guess the number game
"Guess the number!"!;
secret_number: (/\/\+++)??+;
.. {
guess: "Please input your guess: "???;
?? { guess: /?!(guess); }
!! { -> }
"You guessed:", guess!;
? guess < secret_number { "Too small!"!; -> }
? guess > secret_number { "Too big!"!; -> }
"You win!"!;
Point class implementation
<=operator -> op;
@ Point {
=> scalars... * { 'vector: scalars; }
! * { * "($0)" --- <-string.join('vector, ", "); }
... * { ... i -.? 'vector { **i; } }
magnitude * { * <-math.sum('vector) +++ `/; }
- other * { * Point(**map(op.sub, ' >< other)); }
+ other * { * Point(**map(op.add, ' >< other)); }
-- other * { * Point(**map(op.div, ' >< other)); }
++ other * { * Point(**map(op.mul, ' >< other)); }
--- other * { * Point(**map(op.mod, ' >< other)); }
>< other * { * 'vector >< other.vector; }
+++ other * {
out: [];
... a ->? 'vector {
... b ->? other.vector { out+: [[a, b]]; }
* -out;
q, p: Point(/\, //, /\\), Point(//, /\\, /\/);
p.magnitude()!; == 3.4641016151377544
[]?!(q)!; == [2, 3, 4]
p + q!; == (5, 7, 9)
p - q!; == (1, 1, 1)
p ++ q!; == (6, 12, 20)
p --- q!; == (1, 1, 1)
p +++ q!;
== [
== [3, 2], [3, 3], [3, 4],
== [4, 2], [4, 3], [4, 4],
== [5, 2], [5, 3], [5, 4]
== ]
Optional arguments
rect_area length width? * {
width <> length;
* width ++ length;
rect_area(/\/, /\\\)!; == 40
rect_area(/\/)!; == 25