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Python Interoperability

Samarium 0.4.0 introduced partial Python Interoperability, allowing you to use Python functions inside Samarium.

The Python file you want to use has to be in the same directory as your Samarium file (so standard importing rules apply).

Making a Python function usable in Samarium is as easy as decorating it with @export—it's gonna do all conversions between supported Samarium and Python types automatically.

Python files are imported the same way as Samarium files.

Samarium files take priority over Python files, meaning that if you have both and in the same folder, Samarium will import


Example 1

from samarium import run, Registry
from samarium.python import export

def exec(code: str) -> None:
    run(code, Registry({}), __file__)
<-foo.exec("/////??!;");  == 14

Example 2

import json

from samarium.python import export

def read_json(source: str) -> None:
    return json.loads(source)
source <~ "sample.json";
== {{"hello" -> "world", "pi" -> 3.14}}

Supported Conversions

Samarium → Python

Samarium Type Python Type
Array list
Enum Enum
File IOBase
Number float
Iterator Iterator
Null NoneType
Slice SliceRange1
String str
Table dict
Zip zip

Python → Samarium

Python Type Samarium Type
int Number
bool Number
float Number
str String
NoneType Null
list Array
tuple Array
set Array
dict Table
range Slice
slice Slice
SliceRange1 Slice
IOBase File
zip Zip
type[Enum] Enum
Iterator Iterator

Additionally, Enum members only get their values converted.

  1. Samarium Slices can act as both Python ranges and slices, therefore a SliceRange object is being returned. It only has 2 properties, range and slice, which return exactly those objects.