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datetime module

The datetime module consists of several functions that assist with date and time related tasks. Additionally, it includes two classes (DateTime and DTDiff).

Variable Contents
MONTHS ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
WEEKDAYS ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
Function                                              Use
sleep_seconds(seconds) Pauses execution for seconds seconds.
sleep_minutes(minutes) Pauses execution for minutes minutes.
is_leap_year(year) Returns 1 if the year is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
days_in_month(year, month) Returns the amount of days in a given month keeping in track leapyears.
month_name(n) Gives the name of a numbered month where 1 is January.
weekday_name(n) Gives the day of a week from a number
where 1 is a Monday and 7 is Sunday.
timestamp_utc([ts]) Yields the UTC timestamp using the provided timestamp or current time.


Method                       Use
subtract(other) Subtract two DateTime objects, returns a DTDiff object.
to_timestamp() Returns the date & time as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
! Return the date and time in the format Y-M-D h:m:s.z.