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iter module

The iter module contains several functions that interact with iterable objects, like strings or arrays.

Function                                                   Use
accumulate(array, function) Yields accumulated applications of function2
on consecutive elements of array.
If for example function returned the sum of both of its arguments,
then accumulate([/, /\, //, /\\, /\/], function)
would yield 1, 3, 6, 10, and 15.
all(array) Returns 1 if all elements of array are truthy,
0 otherwise. Returns 1 for empty arrays.
any(array) Returns 1 if any of the elements of array is truthy,
0 otherwise. Returns 0 for empty arrays.
chunks(array, size) Iterates over array in chunks of size size.
When array's length is not evenly divided by size,
the last slice of array will be the remainder.
cycle(iter) Copies an iterable by consuming it,
and yields its elements in an infinite cycle.
count(array, target) Returns the number of times target appears in array.
drop_while(array, function) Evaluates function1 on each item of array,
and yields elements of array starting from the first item
(from the left) for which function returns a falsy value.
filter(function, array) Evaluates function1 on each item of array,
and yields those items that cause function to return a truthy value.
functions taking x (≥2) arguments require
each element of array to have x elements.
filter_false(function, array) Evaluates function1 on each item of array,
and yields those items that cause function to return a falsy value.
find(array, target) Finds the first instance of target in array, and returns its index.
array may be of type Array or String.
If target does not appear in array, -1 is returned instead.
find_all(array, target) Finds all instances of target in array, and yields their indices.
flatten(array[, depth]) Flattens array depth times.
By default, flattens recursively as deep as possible.
map(function, array) Applies function1 to each item of array, and yields those new values.
functions taking x (≥2) arguments require
each element of array to have x elements.
pairwise(array) Yields successive overlapping pairs taken from array.
reduce(function, array) Applies function2 cumulatively to consecutive items of array,
reducing it to a single value, then returns this value.
Equivalent to [i ... i ->? accumulate(array, function)]<<-/>>.
reverse(array) Yields the items of array in reverse order.
sorted(array[, key]) Returns a sorted copy of array.
The optional parameter key specifies a function1 that is used
to extract a comparison key from each element in array.
Elements are compared directly by default.
take_while(array, function) Evaluates function1 on each item of array,
and yields elements of array that is cut off at the first item
(from the left) for which function returns a falsy value.
zip_longest(fill, arrays...) Iterates over several arrays, producing a set of arrays
containing an item from each original array.
If the arrays are of uneven length,
missing values are filled using the fill argument.

  1. Note that function must take only one argument (excluding optional parameters). 

  2. Note that function must take exactly two arguments (excluding optional parameters).