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operator module

This module contains a set of functions corresponding to the native operators of Samarium. For instance, operator.mul(a, b) is equivalent to a ++ b. Each of the function names can be used for defining special methods in classes.

Function                Operator               
add(x, y) x + y
and(x, y) x & y
cast(x) x%
div(x, y) x -- y
eq(x, y) x :: y
ge(x, y) x >: y
gt(x, y) x > y
has(x, y) y ->? x
hash(x) x##
le(x, y) x <: y
lt(x, y) x < y
mod(x, y) x --- y
mul(x, y) x ++ y
not(x) ~x
ne(x, y) x ::: y
or(x, y) x | y
pow(x, y) x +++ y
random(x) x??
special(x) x$
sub(x, y) x - y
to_bit(x) / ? x ,, \
to_string(x) ""?!(x)
xor(x, y) x ^ y