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string module

The string module contains several useful functions for string manipulation, as well as some variables containing groups of similar characters.

Variable            Contents                                                                                 
DIGITS "0123456789"
HEXDIGITS "0123456789abcdef"
LOWERCASE "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
OCTDIGITS "01234567"
PUNCTUATION "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{\|}~"
WHITESPACE " \t\n\r\f\v"
Function                                                                 Use
capitalize(string) Returns a copy of string with the first character
set to uppercase (assuming it's a cased character2)
and all subsequent character set to lowercase.
center(string, length[, char])1 Returns string centered in a new string of length length,
padded using the specified char.
If char is not specified, it defaults to " " (space).
string is returned unchanged if length is
less than or equal to the length of string.
ends_with(string, suffix) Returns 1 if string ends with the substring suffix,
otherwise returns 0.
is_alphabetic(string) Returns 1 if every character in string is
an alphabetic character,
i.e. is contained in the string letters, otherwise returns 0.
is_alphanumeric(string) Returns 1 if every character in string is
an alphanumeric character,
i.e. is contained in the strings letters or numbers,
otherwise returns 0.
is_capitalized(string) Returns 1 if string is capitalized,
i.e. matches the output of capitalize(string) exactly.
is_decimal(string) Returns 1 if every character in string is a decimal digit,
i.e. is contained in the string DIGITS, otherwise returns 0.
is_hexadecimal(string) Returns 1 if every character in string is a hexadecimal digit,
i.e. is contained in the string HEXDIGITS, otherwise returns 0.
is_in_group(string, group) Returns 1 if every character in string is
in the specified group
of type Array or String, otherwise returns 0.
is_lower(string) Returns 1 if every cased character2 in string is lowercase,
otherwise returns 0.
is_octal(string) Returns 1 if every character in string is an octal digit,
i.e. is contained in the string OCTDIGITS, otherwise returns 0.
is_title(string) Returns 1 if string is in title case,
i.e. matches the output of title(string) exactly.
is_upper(string) Returns 1 if every cased character2 in string is uppercase,
otherwise returns 0.
is_wrapped(string, chars) Returns 1 if string both starts and ends with
the substring chars, otherwise returns 0.
join(iterable[, delimiter]) Returns a string with each consecutive member
of iterable converted to a string
and joined with delimiter between them.
If delimiter is not specified, it defaults to " ".
leftpad(string, length[, char]) Returns a copy of string padded on the left so that
it's length characters long, using char for padding.
If char is not specified, it defaults to " ".
If length is shorter than string's length,
a copy of string is returned.
ordinal(n) Returns an ordinal numeral of a number,
e.g. ordinal(/) returns "1st".
replace(string, replacement[, count]) Returns a copy of string, with all instances of each key
in the replacement table replaced with its corresponding value.
If count is specified, only the first count instances of each key
will be replaced, starting from the left.
rightpad(string, length[, char]) Returns a copy of string padded on the right so that
it's length characters long, using char for padding.
If char is not specified, it defaults to " ".
If length is shorter than string's length,
a copy of string is returned.
split(string[, separator]) Returns an array of the words in string,
separated by separator.
If separator is not specified, it defaults to " ".
If separator is an Array, all of its elements will be used as separators.
split_lines(string) Returns an array of the lines in the string,
breaking at line boundaries.
Line breaks are not included in the resulting array.
starts_with(string, prefix) Returns 1 if string starts with the substring prefix,
otherwise returns 0.
strip(string, chars) Returns a copy of string with chars removed from
both the beginning and the end,
as in strip_left and strip_right.
strip_left(string, prefix) Returns a copy of string with prefix removed
from the beginning,
multiple times if string still begins with prefix.
If string doesn't begin with prefix,
a copy of the original string is returned.
strip_right(string, suffix) Returns a copy of string with suffix removed from the end,
multiple times if string still ends with suffix.
If string doesn't end with suffix,
a copy of the original string is returned.
swapcase(string) Returns a copy of string with every cased character2
set to the opposite of its original case.
title(string) Returns a copy of string with the first character of each word
(separated by spaces) set to uppercase (assuming they're
cased characters2), and all subsequent characters
of each word set to lowercase.
to_lower(string) Returns a copy of string with every
cased character2 set to lowercase.
to_upper(string) Returns a copy of string with every
cased character2 set to uppercase.
wrap(string, wrapper) Returns a copy of string with
wrapper added to the start and end.

  1. An argument in [square brackets] means that it has a default value, and so it isn't necessary to give it a value. 

  2. Cased characters are alphabetic characters in either uppercase or lowercase; LETTERS is a string of all cased characters.